
Jumat, 04 November 2011


Candi Borobudur 

Giant buildings that are still many mysteries unsolved.
The name Borobudur Borobudur Temple Location: Magelang regency, Central Java, Indonesia Country Area of 2.500m ² Source: Kompas, UNESCO Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. Location of the temple is approximately 100 miles southwest of Semarang and 40 miles northwest of Yogyakarta. This temple was founded by Buddhists of the Mahayana sangha in the range of 800-AD in the reign of the dynasty dynasty, a building-block steps staircase (there are 10 levels) and no roof. Material candi ini seratus persen adalah batu purba. Materials of this temple is one hundred percent of the ancient stones.
The name Borobudur
During this time many polemics about the origins of the naming of this temple. Some argue that the name is probably derived from the Sanskrit word Sambharabhudhara, which means "mountain" (bhudara) where the slopes are located terraces. There is another argument that the name comes from two words "bhara" and "bedhuhur".Bhara word reputedly comes from the word monastery, while there is also another explanation in which the coal comes from Sanskrit which means temple or monastery and bedhuhur meaning is "high", or to remind the Balinese language means "above" being in the Java language, known the word "vertex" which most likely originated from the same word with "dhuhur". So the point is a monastery or a temple complex located on high ground.
Sejarawan JG de Casparis dalam disertasinya untuk mendapatkan gelar doktor pada 1950 berpendapat bahwa Borobudur adalah tempat pemujaan. The historian JG de Casparis in his dissertation to earn his doctorate in 1950 argued that Borobudur is a place of worship. Berdasarkan prasasti Karangtengah dan Kahulunan, Casparis memperkirakan, pendiri Borobudur adalah raja dari dinasti Syailendra bernama Samaratungga sekitar 824 M. Based on the inscriptions and Kahulunan Karangtengah, Casparis estimates, the founder of the Borobudur is the king of the dynasty dynasty around 824 AD named Samaratungga Bangunan raksasa itu baru dapat diselesaikan pada masa putrinya, Ratu Pramudawardhani. The giant new building can be completed at the time of her daughter, Queen Pramudawardhani. Pembangunan Borobudur diperkirakan memakan waktu setengah abad. Construction of Borobudur estimated half-century time-consuming.
Struktur Borobudur The structure of Borobudur
Borobudur Temple BorobudurCandi punden shaped staircase, which consists of six levels of a square, three levels of circular and a main stupa as a peak. Selain itu tersebar di semua tingkat-tingkatannya beberapa stupa. Also scattered at all levels-levels several stupas.
Based on the writings contained in "feet" of the closed form of Borobudur Temple is an ancient Javanese script originating from Pallawa letters, it can be estimated in the founding of the temple, namely in the year 850 AD, when the island of Java controlled by the family of the kings Sailendra between 832-900 years. So age has more than 1,000 tahun.Candi it consists of 2 million blocks of stone, some of the walls in the form of relief which tells the Mahayana teachings. Sized temple sides 123 meters, while the high peaks including the stupa that no longer exists because it was struck by lightning 42 m.  In essence it is shaped stupa of Borobudur, the Buddhist holy building in its original form is a dome (half ball) which stands on a pedestal base and given the umbrella on it. The temple is has 9 levels, namely: six stories below, "each side slightly prominent tortuous, giving the impression multangular. 3 levels above it:''circular. And most of the so-called level-10 is large stupa diametrnya size 9.90 m, height 7 m.
Borobudur has no spaces formerly used as a place of worship like the other temples. That there are long hallways which is a narrow street, both edges are limited by the walls of the temple, around the temple level by level.
More than one level in the four corners of the gate there is another entrance to the level via the stairs. In the halls of the Buddhist is expected to perform ceremonial walk around the temple to the right. The ceremony is called pradaksima
JG Casparis in a doctoral dissertation for a degree in the year. 1950 suggested that Borobudur storied 10 illustrates clearly visible philosophy of Mahayana Buddhism called "Dasabodhisatwabhumi".
Philosophy teaches, that every person who wants to reach the level position as a Buddhist Bodhisattva must exceed 10 degrees. has exceeded 10 levels, then the people will reach perfection and become a Buddha.
Please note, that according Mahaya Buddhism, Gautama Buddha we know in history, there are also figures of Buddha others, each according to his era, both in times past and in the days to come. uddha in the future is now still in nirvana and still storied Buddhist Bodhisattvas are candidates in the future.
G Casparis argue that Borobudur is actually a place of worship of ancestors Sailendra kings, ancestors to attain Buddhahood.
Ten levels of Borobudur was also symbolizes, that the ancestors of the king who built Borobudur Sailendra it numbered 10 people.Based on many Karangtengah inscription 824 AD and 824 AD inscription Kahulunan years Dr. G Casparis argue that Borobudur is the founder of dynasty king named Samaratungga, around 824.  This artifact apparently can only be resolved by the daughter of Queen Pramodawardhani.
Until now there is no agreement between DSI archaeologists and historians about the historical origins of this temple ..
WF Stutterheim has put forward his theory, that Borobudur was essentially a "clone" of the universe which, according to the teachings of the Buddha consists of three major parts, namely: (1). Kamadhatu;(2). Rupadhatu; dan (3).  Arupadhatu. Arupadhatu.
Section "foot" represents Kamadhatu, the world is still dominated by kama or lust (desire) is low, the ordinary human world as our world.
Rupadhatu, the world is already able to liberate ourselves from the bondage of lust, but maish bound by the appearance and shape, which is a holy man and his world is the "nature of" separating "natural bottom" (Kamadhatu) with "natural top" (arupadhatu).
Arupadhatu, which is "above nature" or nirvana, where the Buddha dwells, where absolute freedom is achieved, free from desires and free from the bondage of forms and shapes. Karena itu bagian Arupadhatu itu digambarkan polos, tidak ber-relief. Since it was described as part Arupadhatu plain, no air-relief. Patung-patung Dhayani Buddha Buddha statues Dhayani
In part Rupadhatu Dhayani Buddha statue depicted open, ditempatka in the hole in the wall like an open window. ut section Arupadhatu statues were placed in the stupa covered with holes like in the cage. From the outside still looks the statues were vague.
The way the placement of the statue as enumerated by its creators apparently intended to illustrate the form of a vague "between being and not" as a transition of meaning and Arupadhatu Rupadhatu antra.Arupa which means no tangible form or not entirely new, and the peak is reached at the center of the temple was the largest and highest stupa described plain (without holes), so that the statue did not appear therein.  Stupas confinement statues at the bottom Arupadhatu the striped side, are the holes as vertical stripes on it. Menurut almarhum Prof. According to the late Prof.. Dr. Sucipta Wirjosaputro holes such as these are symbols of the levels of the disappearance of the last remaining lust. The holes are lined sloping (less than the others) illustrates, that at that level there are still remnants of lust, being at the level of vertical stripes on it that describes it has been eroded out of lust, and heart had been straight. Reliefnya panjang 3 km; arcanya 505 buah .Relief pada dinding-dinding candi Borobudur itu menurut Drs. Reliefs length of 3 km; statue 505 pieces. Reliefs on the walls of the Borobudur temple, according to Drs. Moehkardi dalam intisari jumlahnya ada 1460 adegan, sedang relief yang dekoratief (hiasan) ada 1212 buah. Moehkardi in essence there are 1460 in number of scenes, being relief which dekoratief (garnish) there are 1212 pieces.  The length of the relief was spliced ​​in a row if all can reach 2900 m, so it's almost 3 km.
Number statue there are 505 pieces, consisting of:-Level to-1 Rupadhatu place Manushi Buddha statues as many as 92 pieces;-Three levels of the remaining 92 each have a Dhyani Buddha statues;-Levels above 64 have a Dhyani Buddha statues.
Furthermore, there are also level Arupadhatu Dhyani Buddha statues are kept in a stupa, as each level: 32, 24 and 16 of 72 pieces.
Finally at the top of the main stupa, there is also a statue formerly the Adhi Buddha, ie the highest Buddha in Buddhism Mahaya. So julah entirely is 3 x 92 pieces of 432 + 64 + 1 = 505 pieces.

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